Do you want to build stronger and more loving relationships within your family?
I can help you! I am Tabitha, a mom of six who believes that the way we can change this world for the better is by nurturing the relationships we have with our children and giving them the tools to build strong and meaningful relationships in their lives.
In 2011, I wrote a post inspired by my son that has been read and shared across the internet over 4 million times. I’ve personally heard from hundreds of moms over the years about how that post touched them, and it has almost always been because of this specific part of the post and the importance of our role as Mom –
Be home base.
You are home to your child.When they learn to walk, they will wobble a few feet away from you and then come back, then wobble away a little farther and then come back….When they play their sport, they will search for your face in the stands. When they are sick, they will call you. When they really mess up, they will call you…
Even when they grow up…you are still their mother; home base, the ever constant, like the sun. Know that in your heart and everything else will fall into place.
Tabitha Studer
It is that phrase, “home base” that gets right to it. Because it is precisely that feeling that carries us through this chaotic, messy, yet beautiful blur of motherhood.
Motherhood is the dichotomy. The ugly and difficult right there parallel to the beautiful and incredible.
And if your goal, as a mom, is to soak up as much as you can out of this journey of motherhood and build loving and strong relationships within your family – you have come to the right place.
So what does it take to be home base for your family?
- parenting intentionally
- protecting this one precious childhood
- fostering gratitude, kindness, and patience
- creating opportunities for playfulness, experience, conversations, and growth
- preserving family memories
- remembering that this is not your story (but what a privilege it is to witness their story!)
Becoming home base for your family doesn’t just happen naturally. You have to be willing to play the long game, dig your heels into the ground, and make the effort to be home base.
Let’s do this together!