On Fridays, I will try to share a quick tip on how to incorporate an easy trick to to be more intentionally fun and playful as a parent, if you are in need of a little encouragement and help. Being playful with your kids on just a normal day keeps you both in the moment and is what really boosts all those core childhood bliss moments.
the activity: Empty Hand Surprise
Who: kids ages 1-3 actually fall for it, but ages 4+ still think its a funny inside joke and play along
Length of activity: about 1 minute
How many participants: one kid and one parent/adult
Equipment needed: none
Skills required: none
how to play:
- close-cup your hands like you would if you were holding a butterfly or a grasshopper
- get the attention of your toddler and say excitedly, “Look! I caught something!”
- as they come over, act like you don’t want it to sneak out of your hands. Say things like, “you can peek in, but don’t let it escape!”
- as the child goes to peek into your hands, open them up to reveal there is nothing in your hands.
- pause for 1-3 seconds to let your child realize that you tricked them (it is great to see their little mind gears working on their face!)
- then tickle them instead and say, “I got you!”
**You’d think this seems like a one-and-done trick – but you’ll be surprised how this trick never loses it’s appeal. First, because it’s so simple and silly that even a kid can “trick” you. Secondly, because kids love being tickled, and third, the parent has their full attention on the child which is the best thing ever to a kid.
- As they get older and understand the trick, tell your child that you caught something that doesn’t make any sense (an elephant, a fairy, a dog, a kangaroo, etc – the more ridiculous the better). This is hilarious to a kid because they know you’re lying and also they know they are about to get tickled if they just play along
- If your toddler is cranky and fussy in a public place, this is a great distraction to keep them calm and focused on something that requires nothing more than your attention
- If your toddler is running away from you in a safe space (ie. a sports field, inside of a building, etc), instead of chasing them (that makes them run more!) say, “Hey! I caught something” with your hands held out. Even if they know the trick – they still come instead of run away because of the allure of your attention and the tickling.
**If your toddler is running away from you in an unsafe space, (ie. a parking lot) this is not a time for a trick. Do what it takes to get that child safe**
Pros of activity
- little kid giggles!
- inside joke-making material
- quick distraction technique in a pinch
- easy to teach older siblings who can use it to distract their younger siblings in cranky moments like car rides or in public
Cons of activity
- I have not experienced a con with this activity in 12+ years of using it